Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today was an awsome run left the house at 4am, The first mile was just like walking nothing hurt,breathing was great and before I knew it I was at mile 2, one thing I'm going to do today is mark out another route, I do not like running the back roads in the dark, This morning a chicken or pheasant was in the grass along side of the road and when I went by came flapping out behind me, LOL! I'm not going to admit online what feeling went through me at that moment, But lets just say I won't be on backroads any longer unless its light out. All in all I walked back in the house after 4 miles at 5AM I am such a morning person.


  1. The best snack in the world is a combination of peanuts & raisins. Don't leave them out however-they'll be gone in a minute.

  2. Good for you!! You're an inspiration to me. Now working out on my eliptical, swimming, and pressing weights. Also, high protein, low carbs and lots of water. Hey, hey, hey...I'm on my way. My healthy lifestyle starts today.

  3. I had to something my wife is training for a Triathalon and I was sitting here smoking and doing nothing. She puts to much effort into her work outs for me to disrespect her like that..
