Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh Boy has things been tough

Sorry for not posting in a while, But things have been real hectic, I hurt my hip, now its my lower back, I have really eased off the running, I have had a few stressful situations arise nothing to do with middleboro or casinos Just life coming at me full force. Nothing that can't be handled though. I will be updating this when I have a chance thanks for the encouragement but good oppurtunities arose that means more time on my part, need to rest when I can. I cannot afford to be laid up in pain right now so I'm letting off the excersise for a while. No smoking I did relapse and bummed a cigg ,I needed a crutch but it didn't taste good so I through it away. I just have to remember a cigg will not help the stressful situations that arise, I don't need a crutch..

Friday, May 8, 2009

Cool foggy little humid. 04:15 AM

I was all confused today, Went a different route, I know I did 3 good miles, 2 morro I am going to go for it 4 miles at a slow jog. I have to keep telling myself this is no race, keep it slowww. a little faster than walking is fine right now, The lungs really need to heal, I know my wallet is feeling healthy by not smoking. 16 days at an average $15.00 a day $240.00 savings. Next week its all about diet. I really need to stop eating. My wieght is still 242. All in all I'm happy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Raining 4:20 AM

Very easy run today, Cool and rainy outside, I really needed to get out there, I didn't want another day off. First mile went real smooth, Walked 2nd, 3rd jog ,4th walked. I did add a little sprinting in I would finish up my mile with a fast run, and my walk with a power walk. I see myself jogging the 4 miles very slow to start very soon.

Believe in miracles. I do...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today will be a rest day, Its raining. After two days of doing 4 miles its probably a good idea. If I end up hurting myself, I would have a lot more days off than I would like. I find reading about running and different routines helps keep you motivated. When I did this before I had no blog it really helps to see people reading and commenting. Its a positive motivation thats for sure.
Thank You.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today was an awsome run left the house at 4am, The first mile was just like walking nothing hurt,breathing was great and before I knew it I was at mile 2, one thing I'm going to do today is mark out another route, I do not like running the back roads in the dark, This morning a chicken or pheasant was in the grass along side of the road and when I went by came flapping out behind me, LOL! I'm not going to admit online what feeling went through me at that moment, But lets just say I won't be on backroads any longer unless its light out. All in all I walked back in the house after 4 miles at 5AM I am such a morning person.

Monday, May 4, 2009


It was a rough busy weekend. Saturday was an off day, I did a night out and didn't get in till 5AM Sunday morning and that threw my whole day off so, I made it into another rest day.

Today o5/04/09 I did 4 miles, 1st mile jogging,2nd walking, 3rd jogged and 4th walked. Thank God, because I didn't realize my 4th mile I have marked off is 90% upgrade so walking it at a brisk pace is probably the same as my slow jog. 4 miles. felt real good it was nice and cool out, the two days rest really helped accomplish this.

I will be doing this for the next couple weeks before I add anything else to the mix.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today I will take a nice rest day, not going to do anything. tomorrow I will be doing 4 slowww miles, 1 mile running , 1 mile walking etc! Its time to take this to the next level. Wally made a comment about after 3 days you will feel better he is correct, The 3rd day I jogged, I did 2 miles out and back. My legs are not as sore now, I have been stretching throughout the day.

"You exercise so intensely that your muscles burn and you gasp for breath. Then you slow down for a minute or two, catch your breath, and then go very fast again. This training technique has been used in all endurance sports since the 1920's. This is why interval training makes you a better athlete".

Friday, May 1, 2009


Weigh in week (1) 242 a 4 lb loss in 7 days, Jogged 2 miles today out and back nice and slow, Have to keep the pace down, I listen to the radio and go with the beat, so if a good song comes on I seem to run with the tempo and next thing I know I'm out of breath, Then again I hate concentrating on the pace! All in all it was a good week, Lost some weight, Quit smoking, what more can you ask for in week one?